Nine gems of the Sundarkanda: Sita prays that Hanuman remains untoruched by fire
यद्यस्ति पतिशुश्रूषा यद्यस्ति चरितम् तपः । यद्यस्ति एकपत्नीत्वं शीतोभव हनूमतः ॥ Yadyasti patishushrooshaa yadyasti caritam tapaH Yadi vaa ekapatneetvam sheeto bhava HanoomataH यदि= if अस्ति= there is पति = husband शुश्रूषा= service of यदि= if अस्ति= there is आ चरितम्= conduct of तपः= devout penance यदि = if अस्ति= there is एकपत्नीत्वम्= devotion of a man to a single wife शीतः= cool भव= may you be हनूमतः= o hanumAn Hanuman came searching for Sita in Lanka where Ravana had taken her after kidnapping her. Hanuman finds her imprisoned in the Asoka garden and reassures her that her husband Rama will presently come for her. He goes on to destroy the Asoka garden and is taken prisoner by Ravana's soldiers. They tie rags to his tail and set it on fire. Sita prays that if she has faithfully served her husband Rama if she has been faithful to her religious penances and if Rama had remained loyal to...