
Showing posts from June, 2022

It is easy to find people who will speak words you want to hear, difficult to find people who give good advice even if unpleasant or people who will listen to such advice

सुलभाः पुरुषा राजन् सततम् प्रिय वादिनः | अप्रियस्य च पथ्यस्य वक्ता श्रोता च दुर्लभः || ३-३७-२ Ravana was the mighty king of Lanka. A great scholar and a great warrior he had subdued Kubera the lord of wealth and had conquered Shani, a.k.a Saturn the producer of obstacles, who served as his slave and footstool. Ravana was the foremost devotee of Siva and was blessed by Siva with enormous powers. Ravana had a hundred wives, foremost amongst them Mandodari ( she with a narrow waist) who epitomized beauty and all that was the best in womanhood. Yet, this man with everything had taken a fancy to Sita the wife of Rama. At the time, it was widely known that Sita's husband Prince Rama was none else but an incarnation, an Avatar of Lord Vishnu who arrived on earth to rid the earth of the evil of the Rakshasha demons. His wife Sita, who was miraculously discovered as an infant buried in a field that was being plowed was clearly Vishnu's consort, Lakshmi the goddess of untold and infinite...