Phrases of Benediction or Blessing in Sanskrit; From Kaldiasa

Ever wonder how the elders would come up with a Sanskrit couplet in blessing when someone asks for their blessing. Do you wish you were able to come up with a short blessing in Sanskrit for various occasions? Here are some phrases of benediction or blessing in Sanskrit. Most of these are from Kalidasa's Abhigyana Shakuntalam.

दीर्घायुष्मान् भव
May you have a long life.

दीर्घसुमङगली भव
May your remain a married woman for very long!

ययातेरिव र्शर्मिष्ठा भर्तुः बहुमता भव
Like Sharmishtha was for Yayati, may you be the beloved of your husband

To a pregnant woman:
वीर प्रसविनी भव

May you give birth to a child who will be a warrior

To a young and illustrious  man:
वत्स चिरं जीव | पृथ्वीं पालय |
Son may you live long and rule the world.

वत्स अप्रतिरथो भव
Son be an unrivaled warrior

To a young woman who seeks  blessings along with her husband and son:
वत्से, आखण्डल समो  भर्ता,  जयन्त प्रतिमः सुतः
आशिरन्या न ते योग्या पौलोमी सदृशी भव
Beloved daughter, you have a husband who is like Indra, your son is the epitome of Jayanta the son of  Indra what other blessing is right for you then " may you be like Poulomi, the eternal Indrani

To the parents of a young child who are seeking blessing:
अयं च दीर्वायर्वत्स उभयकुलनन्दनो भवतु
 May this long-lived child be the darling of the hearts of both families


  1. How to say "seeking blessings" or " bless me" in sanskrit?


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