Nine gems of the Sundarakanda: Praise to Hanuman when he slays Simhika the demon who emerges from the sea to stop him.

Hanuman leaps across the ocean to reach Lanka, unstoppable by any obstacle. Simhika a demoness arises from the ocean with the intent of devouring him. She immobilized his shadow and hindered his movement.  He greatly increased the size of his body prompting Simhika to open her mouth wide. He then quickly contracted his body entered her mouth and destroyed her entrails with his sharp nails. He emerged destroying simhika and resumed his flight. All the creatures in the sky gathered to sing Hanuman's praise thus:

यस्य त्वेतानि चत्वारि वानरेन्द्र  यथा तव |
धृतिर्दृष्टिर्मतिर्दाक्ष्यं  स कर्मसु न सीदति || (सॊमाय)

yasya tvetAni catvAri vAnarendra yatha tava  |
DhritirdRShTirmatirdAkshyam  sa karmasu na sIdati || 5-1-198/216 (Moon)

यस्य= he who, जिसका   तु = तो; एतानि चत्वारि= these four, यह चार;  वानरेन्द्र = o! prince among the apes,  यथा तव = as is yours , जैसे आपका है ; धृति= courage , धैर्य;  दृष्टि= vision, दूरदर्शिता;  मति = wisdom, दाक्ष्यं = skill, दक्षता, कुशलता ;  स= he, वह ;  कर्मसु = in actions, कार्यों मे ;  न सीदति= does not despair; निराश नहीं होता

हे वानरेन्द्र , आप जैसे जिस में धैर्य, दूरदर्शिता, विवेक, और कुशलता है वह कार्यों में निराश नहीं होता

"O best among Vanaras! Whoever has the four qualities of courage, vision, intellect and skill, like you, such a person will not despair  in any task."

Hanuman is verily the epitome of what one needs to succeed in any undertaking!


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