Samskrita Bharati has pioneered the spread of samskritam as spoken language.With the focus on speaking the language.Freed from the focus on memorizing the rules of grammar you begin to enjoy the beauty of the language. Very soon a window opens up for you to the vast treasure of Indian thought, literature and heritage. Over the last 32 years Samskrita Bharati has taught spoken samskritam to 100, 000, 000 people in 13 countries (
My wife Uma, and I have been learning samskritam through Samskrita Bharati for the last 6 years and are currently doing our MA final in Samskritam. This has been a defining moment in our lives and I cannot say enough, how about how much our lives have been enriched by learning samskritam.
We have been teaching samskritam since the last 4 years, beginning at the Sri Venkateshwara temple in Pittsburgh. Having learnt samskritam while pursuing our extremely busy careers in academic medicine, we reached out to busy motivated professionals like ourselves, and also teach classes through teleconference and webinar. I am adding another class through skype this fall. We will meet for an hour each week and enjoy learning to speak samskritam. I promise, there will be no memorization of arcane rules of grammar. There is no charge for the class, but do remember samskrita bharati when you are making your charitable contributions. If you are interested, send me a message and I will send you an invite to our skype group.


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