How to word your boon ( or request or contract) to get the most out of it
Here is an example oF clever wording of a boon
वृद्ध कुमारी वाक्य न्याय
वृद्ध = Old
कुमारी = unmarried woman
वाक्य =statement
An old unmarried woman asks a boon thus:
पुत्रा मे बहु-क्षीर-घृत्म् ओदनं कांचन-पात्राभ्याम् भुञ्जीरन्
पुत्रा =sons
मे = my
बहु= a lot OF
क्षीर = milk
घृत्म् = ghee
ओदनं = rice
कांचन= golden
पात्राभ्याम् = from two vessels
भुञ्जीरन् = may they eat
The olD woman cleverly asks the boon, " may my sons eat out of two golden vessels rice mixed with ghee.
The boon if granted would mean
1. make the woman young ( and fertile) again
2. she will marry
3. She will have sons
4. Her sons will have plenty of nourishing food
5. They will be rich eating out of two golden vessels each
Pretty Good in five word boon! pretty clever
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